Omar Prestwich

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High Five Friday 011

Five things that helped me be more efficient at life. 

Happy Friday! I found myself struggling a little more this week and I couldn't quite pinpoint it. I just felt off. This morning as I meditated I thought about my week and about the things I did and didn't do. The times I missed the gym, went out when I shouldn't have, or didn't put in the extra work, left me feeling unfulfilled and unbalanced. It's good to recognize these feelings because I know I can change them by action and more disciple. Anyway, let's get to it!

  1. Quote: Show the city what it takes to be alive for it. - Drake.  
  2. Podcast: "How to get Clarity in Your Life" Rob Dyrdek on Impact Theory
  3. Music: 9 - Drake
  4. A question I am pondering: What does it mean to "EARN IT?"    
  5. Personal Goal: To say NO. Saying No to tasks, activities, and foods, that aren't in alignment with what I'm trying to achieve. 

I am always trying to improve all aspects of my life because I am chasing personal greatness.  Greatness in fitness, finance, and relationships. I really hope that my personal experiments will help you have a better life and motivate you to chase your dreams. Thanks for reading. Please share this with a friend that might benefit from this!
