Internal culture is the ultimate key to a company's success. Here are my three takeaways from Truvy Summit I recently worked.
Read More37 Years To WAKE TF UP!
I turn 37 today.
I woke up alone. Frustrated for being a total jerk the last 24 hours and embarrassing myself in front of friends and family.
I got up early and went for a hike to digest and ponder. I let the truth hit me every step of the way.
The reason I am alone is because…
I get mad too quickly
I take things way too personal
I get jealous
I say/do things with no thought, just pure emotion
I self-sabotage
I’m rude
I don’t blame others for not wanting to be around me. No one wants to be around a person with those attributes.
I’ve asked myself MANY times, WHY do I do what I do in the heat of a moment? Why do I self-sabotage? Why do I think I’m the biggest piece of shit ever? Why do I pick fights?
I always trace it back to my childhood trauma of never feeling good enough, always needing to prove myself, just to fit in, feel accepted, and not shamed. (Religion/community played a major role in my feeling this way)
If you’re reading this, and I have ever been rude to you. I sincerely apologize.
To MYSELF. I am writing this and posting it publicly because I need to hold myself more accountable. I am SICK of feeling the way I feel. And if I turn 40 and I’m still single and depressed, then that means I have not done the work to change. AND it means I have wasted more time being a loser and not winning!
Happy Birthday/ Wake Up Call to myself. May this be the last Birthday I am alone.
Don't Throw Away Everything You've Worked For.
When you’re feeling frustrated at work, don’t let your emotions ruin everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Check yourself, take a step back, regroup, and get back to work.
Read MoreFind your pavement | #HighFiveFriday 060
You don’t know your parents and they don’t know you. #HighFiveFriday
Read MoreAdvice from a 33 year old me
I turned 33 today. I have learned a lot over the years, the most important thing I learned the past 365 days is to always do what is best for you, no matter how difficult it is.
Read MoreYou don't know your parents and they don't know you | #HighFiveFriday 059
You don’t know your parents and they don’t know you. #HighFiveFriday
Read MoreDo More Of What Makes You Better | #HighFiveFriday 058
When you’re working on yourself and getting better. You’re inspiring others without you knowing. Remember that! #HighFiveFriday
Read MoreHow I dropped 16 lbs in 21 days | #HighFiveFriday 057
When you’re working on yourself and getting better. You’re inspiring others without you knowing. Remember that! #HighFiveFriday
Read MoreYou Never Know Who's Watching | #HighFiveFriday 056
When you’re working on yourself and getting better. You’re inspiring others without you knowing. Remember that! #HighFiveFriday
Read MoreChallenging Yourself Unlocks Personal Greatness | #HighFiveFriday 055
I’m currently doing a 21 day challenge (inspired by Joe Rogan) to not drink, not smoke, and to work out double what I do. I’m doing this because I know the value of challenging myself, and only by challenging yourself will unlock personal greatness.
Read MoreI Have Been Lazy | #HighFiveFriday 054
Coasting is your Enemy! I have not posted for the past five weeks becauseI have been lazy. That came from coasting and not pushing myself more! I finally snapped out of it and am back! #HighFiveFriday 054
Read More10 Year Challenge | #HighFiveFriday 053
I think the #10YearChallenge is a great opportunity not only for myself, but for others to be honest with themselves and reflect on their personal progress, or lack there of. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would it be? Why would you give yourself that advice?
Read MoreQ&A | #HighFiveFriday 052
Have More Experiences VS Goals.
This week I wanted to chat with you guys, so I selected 5 questions to answer. I'd love to do this more, so if you have any topic you want me to talk about, (and that I'm knowledgeable about) please DM me on instagram and let's chat.
#HighFiveFriday 052
1: "Through disciple, I get things done". Joe Rogan
2: The best of “seeking wisdom in 2018” - Drift Podcast
3: Sicko mode: Travis Scott
4: Pondering: Why did I just say that? A thought to myself because I say dumb things often and then regret saying things. So I’m checking in with myself mentally when I catch it.
5: Working on: Daily task focus. Meaning, each day has a specific project I will do, for example: Monday I do community management and weekend catch up. Tuesday I create content all day. Wednesday I write copy. The reason I am trying to to this, is because I know I can be more efficient with my time management. Research suggests that in an eight hour day, the average person is only productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes. If that is true, then I want to be 100% focused one a certain task for 3 hours. I want to see how much I can get done in 3 focused hours.
Your Questions/Topics Answered:
1: @CorbinTheKid wanted me to talk about “Overcoming Fear”: Fear is the enemy of progression. For me, overcoming fear is making the right choice at the moment that truly matters. A moment that will define you and your future. I have been fired, completely broke, overweight, I left my religion, and something I don’t talk about often, I have gone through a divorce. I used to fear all those things, and I think because I put so much brain energy into those fears or thoughts, they became reality. So I don’t live in fear, because I focus my mental energy on positivity and optimism and fill my day with productive things that will help me experience life better. Make sense?
2: @KyleSaidThis asked me to talk about “Moving past dark times”: Dark times define you. I know they have defined me. When I received the news about my divorce I remember feeling empty. I immediately knew I had two choices. 1: let this affect me in a negative way or 2: Accept it and move forward with positivity from the experience.
Moving past any hard experience in a positive way requires self awareness. It requires you to spend time alone and be brutally honest with yourself. You have to surround yourself with positivity, in every form. It can be morning routines, night routines, working out, eating better, positive audio, meditation, and focused goals. So cliche I know, but in all honesty, that is what it took for me to move past the hardest time of my life.
3: @TiffanyParra asked me to talk about “Routine”: I define routine by discipline. When I feel off, or feel like I’m in a rut, more often than not, those are the times I stop doing my routine. And Vice versa, when I am consistently trying to do my morning routine, my days are always more positive, energetic, and fulfilling. I think routines are a secret weapon to leveling up in anything in life. (Do you agree?)
My Winning Morning routine:
Wake up: 4:44 (fave number and I see it often)
Make my bed
Drink 8oz of water
Planned work out
Guided audio meditation (setting intentions)
Shower / prepare (clothing already prepped)
Journal morning thoughts
Review daily goals
Breakfast (Avocado and toast with coffee)
Focused hour of work from home or coffee shop.
Listen to motivational podcast on commute to work.
4: @gregreckless wants to know what my most ambitious goal for 2018: Beat my 1/2 Marathon time. I ran te Seattle half marathon (13.1 miles) in 1 hour 33 mins.
5: My mom wants to know how I prioritize my goals: Interesting question, I try to keep my goals minimal and achievable. As I mentioned last week, I don’t write goals down (per say) I write down positive experiences I want to have. Because experiences are memorable and require work, they help prioritize my days in a systematic way with timelines and routines.
Thank you for your questions
This isn’t the episode, but you should follow the podcast.
#HighFiveFriday 051 | Have More Experiences VS Goals
Have More Experiences VS Goals.
I love the new year because it’s the time when almost everyone is beyond ambitious. Many people (including me) have weight goals, travel goals, relationship goals, money goals, etc. But the follow through as we all know, doesn't last long. People drop off, get lazy, or lose focus. The why isn't strong enough. I think people realize the true meaning of "Working towards your goals.”
Last year I realized that by writing down “experiences” I wanted to have, vs having “goals” I wanted to accomplish; I was able to experience the best year of my life and I was able to fast track success. Having experiences vs goals give me more life purpose. Experiences make goals possible & give goals a purpose. Make sense?
Beyond that, I like to have a year motto or theme. In 2018, my daily montre was “DO YOU.” Do you, means you’re working on yourself mentally and trying to have a fulfilled life that makes you happy.
As we all start 2019, I hope that you achieve all you have set out to accomplish. I would suggest to break down your (goals) experiences. Ask yourself why you want to have those experiences, write down how you will get them done, and by WHEN you will get them done. Break them down from year, to quarters, to months, to weeks, to days!
Please drop me a comment and let me know what your biggest take away here was.
Here is #HighFiveFriday 051
1: The greatest power is to be self controlled. - Jay Shetty.
2: How to Find Your Purpose | Jay Shetty on Impact Theory
3: Thunder and Lightning - Major Lazer ft. Jaws
4: Pondering: How can I give legit value with these HF5 Posts. What is my year motto? Right now, “Thunder and Lightning” is my motto. Thunder and lightning represent power. I think that this year can be powerful, but I will have to weather the storm, and then become the storm! Make sense?
5: Working on: Morning routine, Night check ins. I want to give myself the most important task to do for the day, that will help me win the week, one day at a time. The night time check ins allow me to be accountable.
High Five Friday 050 | Always Do Positive Things
Always Do The Positive Thing.
A year ago I was just getting settled in Seattle and was making it my official home. I moved to there to apply all the hustle I told myself I had. To prove a point to myself, that if I was disciplined, hungry, and focused, that I could make shit happen. At this point in my life I was seeing small success from applying the things I was learning from personal heros like Tim Ferriss, Joe Rogan and Gary Vaynerchuck. #HighFiveFriday became a way for me to briefly share with the world my journey, thoughts, and personal development. They became addicting because I noticed a lot of people would read the posts and even share them. These post have been my secret weapon of personal development and growth. Why? Because my whole basis has been to share 5 positive things every single Friday,
1: A quote
2: A podcast I’m listening to
3: Music that inspired me
4: Personal thought, A personal question, Someone that inspired me,
5: Something I am working on to better my life.
It has kept me disciplined at one thing all year. I have fed my mind positivity daily. I have applied good habits that have allowed me to progress in my professional life. It helped me be in the best shape of my life. It has created community for me. It has been the key thing keeping me going and keeping it positive.
The key thing here is “ALWAYS DO POSITIVE THINGS and NEVER STOP WORKING ON YOURSELF”. - Thats the secret sauce imo.
Here is #HighFiveFriday 050
1: Always do positive things. - me.
2: Joe Rogan #1218 with Gad SAAD - Positive messaging and phrasing - human emotions, etc etc.
3: I don’t wanna worry no more- Diplo
4: How am I leveling up when no one is around.
5: Doing more of the right things (eating, working out, and work)
High Five Friday 049 | End the year self aware
Ending Self Aware.
The most important thing I have done this year has been these #HighFiveFriday blog post. They have taught me the importance of being persistent at ONE thing every week. They have taught me so much about me, how many things there are to learn and improve on. I have learned that by me working on bettering me, it has inspired a few of you, and that honestly has been the BEST PART of doing these post, so THANK YOU.
I read a post on IG from @morellisworld that said, “What if we finished this year as if it was our last?” That made me think about everything I have done this year, the goals I set, the ones I accomplished, the ones I missed, etc. it encouraged me to do everything I can to end 2018 the best I can. there are 10 days left, there is no reason I can’t hit one more goal.
One thing I have worked on a lot this year is becoming more self aware. It is honestly not easy to do at all, because you have to take the criticism people give you, and accept it, learn, and grow. So, my personal advice, for this week, and 2018, is WORK ON YOURSELF DAILY, be honest with yourself, and work on being the ideal you, the “hero in your own movie” (Joe Rogan). I know we can be the person we are meant to be, and as Drake said in Pound cake, “You know it’s real, when you are who you think you are”
Much love guys.
Here is #HighFiveFriday week 049
1: Quote: The ones who grow in business the fastest, are the fastest learners.
2: Podcast: Seeking wisdom with David Cancel and David Gerhardt
3: Music: Shazam Top 2018 Tracks. - Memorabilia.
4: Personal Thought: Speak up when it counts. Shut up when it doesn’t. Be pro at all times.
5: What I’m Working on: Being a pro in all aspects of my job. Getting ONE key thing done in the day that is specific to my job and saying no to other tasks until they make sense.
High Five Friday 048 | Back To Tracking
Back To Tracking.
Whenever I am trying to regroup my mind and groove I start tracking my time. Knowing where you spend your minutes while you are awake is truly eye opening. Have you ever tracked how long it takes you to get ready? Or how you are on your phone checking instagram, how about how long you spend at happy hour?
I picked this concept up from one of my favorite books called “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy. In his book, Darren talks about “tracking” as being your personal score card. I like that I idea. Tracking my whole day allows me to see where I can improve immediately.
It also helps me practice discipline and awareness. I use the timer on my iPhone to track every activity I do throughout the day. Each time I switch doing something, I hit the lap button. When I am going to bed, I stop it and look through the laps. Analyzing the day.
If you’re trying to improve part of some part of your life. I suggest you try tracking. It kinda fun and addicting.
Much love guys.
Here is #HighFiveFriday week 048
1: Quote: Be brutally Honest With Yourself.
2: Podcast: Become A Savage & Live On Your Own Terms | David Goggins on Impact Theory
3: Music: Shazam Top 2018 Tracks. - Memorabilia.
4: Personal Thought: Stop opening up to everyone. This helps keep professional relationships pro, it leaves any feelings at the door.
5: What I’m Working on. Being consistent at waking up early and starting my tracker.
High Five Friday 047 | You Can Do It Tomorrow
You Can Do It Tomorrow.
Probably something you wouldn’t expect me to say or talk about right? Last week I pushed myself so hard that it actually hurt me physically and mentally. I was waking up at 4:30am and pushing through until almost 11pm. TERRIBLE repercussions because I didn’t listen to my body and mind.
I realized that I would be mentally exhausted by 8pm ish yet I tried to push longer. Then by not finishing everything I wanted to, I would beat myself up mentally. I kept having the feeling of, “I HAVE TO DO THIS NOW”. Do I really though? It wasn’t until today (Thursday) that I told myself, “WORK WILL BE HERE TOMORROW, IT CAN WAIT”. I really let that sink in. There are certain things that, should wait, so they can be properly done, and done with better focus.
The other AH HA! I had was this.. I am ruining RIGHT NOW by stressing over things that aren’t that big of a deal. This year has BY FAR, been the best year of my life. I’ve lived in two amazing cities, Seattle and now Los Angeles. I’ve met amazing people, accomplished goals, and am legitimately doing what I love with a company I love. By stressing over little things, it has distracted me from the wins and awesomeness.
I’ve also noticed my mood has been down. I honestly think it’s due to me pushing harder than I was ready, and not having better daily discipline.
So, the OmieTip of the week, PUSH HARD, but only until it makes sense.
Here is #HighFiveFriday week 047
1: We are constantly Re-Writing our story -
2: Podcast: Why Sleep is More Important Than Diet | Shawn Stevenson on Health Theory
3: Music: Jai Paul - BTSTU
4: Person who impacted me: Santi. I’ve brought him up a couple different times, the dude is something else. He’s the dude who is brutally honest and I love that. He is also the guy who is willing to help you out when you need help and expects nothing in return. That’s stand up. Thankful to work with him.
5: Something I am working on: Tried to let my body and mind regroup. Clarity and direction.
High Five Friday 046 | Waking up at 4:30am
Waking up at 4:30am
I subconsciously made the choice to wake up at 4:30am this week and although it has been a challenging change, it has really helped me wake up with a “win” as soon as I wake up.
I wake up knowing that it’s ME vs ME. I had a thought come to mind when I was hiking this past weekend, “Discipline makes things possible”. I know that the times I have been the most fit, most “successful,” and happiest, is when I am working hard on practicing discipline. Working hard on doing the things that make be better, but that aren’t easy to do.
Waking up has early has honestly reignited the motivation that I have been missing. It has been challenging me right away,
Note: I’m still working on this, so I’ll follow up soon
1: Discipline makes things possible - Me.
2: Podcast: Casey Adams - CEOs wear sneakers.
3: Music: Diplo Mountains.
4: Person who impacted me: Mason. He’s just a solid guy who wants to help out the team and company as best as he can. he is also super calm and focused all the time.
5: Something I am working on: Waking up at 4:30am. Allowing me more time to succeed.
High Five Friday 045 | Don't Let Time Slip
Don’t Let Time Slip
I’m about to call myself out. At the beginning of the month I was beyond driven, with goals of running, gym, journaling, saving money, etc. All the things that I want to improve on. Next thing I know it’s OCT 26th and I have not hit the goals that I wanted to hit. What happened? Poor time management and wrong choices.
I have still had a great month and have done certain things to move me forward, but I have not been the best version of myself. The wake up call for me is not seeing the results I wanted to see and being in the same situation I was in at the start of the month.
This is one thing that always scares me, not moving forward. It scares me because if I am not making daily progress in something I am wasting opportunity.
That’s all I want to share. Hope you have a rad weekend and next week!
Here is week 45 of #HighFiveFriday
1: The greatest moments in life aren’t by yourself. - KC Holiday
2: Podcast: Stop Telling Your Big Dreams to Small-Minded People" | Oprah’s Life Class | Oprah Winfrey Network
3: Music: Elohim - Hallucinating
4: Person who impacted me: Kirk. He is my Co Worker who runs ECOM for K-Swiss. He’s one of the most solid dudes I’ve ever met. Incredibly humble and is constantly complimenting his team. I think that is what makes a great leader and why there is great synergy within his team. He’s always down to help me with my work and helps me learn/grow.
5: Something I am working on: I didn’t try hard this week.