Have More Experiences VS Goals.
This week I wanted to chat with you guys, so I selected 5 questions to answer. I'd love to do this more, so if you have any topic you want me to talk about, (and that I'm knowledgeable about) please DM me on instagram and let's chat.
#HighFiveFriday 052
1: "Through disciple, I get things done". Joe Rogan
2: The best of “seeking wisdom in 2018” - Drift Podcast
3: Sicko mode: Travis Scott
4: Pondering: Why did I just say that? A thought to myself because I say dumb things often and then regret saying things. So I’m checking in with myself mentally when I catch it.
5: Working on: Daily task focus. Meaning, each day has a specific project I will do, for example: Monday I do community management and weekend catch up. Tuesday I create content all day. Wednesday I write copy. The reason I am trying to to this, is because I know I can be more efficient with my time management. Research suggests that in an eight hour day, the average person is only productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes. If that is true, then I want to be 100% focused one a certain task for 3 hours. I want to see how much I can get done in 3 focused hours.
Your Questions/Topics Answered:
1: @CorbinTheKid wanted me to talk about “Overcoming Fear”: Fear is the enemy of progression. For me, overcoming fear is making the right choice at the moment that truly matters. A moment that will define you and your future. I have been fired, completely broke, overweight, I left my religion, and something I don’t talk about often, I have gone through a divorce. I used to fear all those things, and I think because I put so much brain energy into those fears or thoughts, they became reality. So I don’t live in fear, because I focus my mental energy on positivity and optimism and fill my day with productive things that will help me experience life better. Make sense?
2: @KyleSaidThis asked me to talk about “Moving past dark times”: Dark times define you. I know they have defined me. When I received the news about my divorce I remember feeling empty. I immediately knew I had two choices. 1: let this affect me in a negative way or 2: Accept it and move forward with positivity from the experience.
Moving past any hard experience in a positive way requires self awareness. It requires you to spend time alone and be brutally honest with yourself. You have to surround yourself with positivity, in every form. It can be morning routines, night routines, working out, eating better, positive audio, meditation, and focused goals. So cliche I know, but in all honesty, that is what it took for me to move past the hardest time of my life.
3: @TiffanyParra asked me to talk about “Routine”: I define routine by discipline. When I feel off, or feel like I’m in a rut, more often than not, those are the times I stop doing my routine. And Vice versa, when I am consistently trying to do my morning routine, my days are always more positive, energetic, and fulfilling. I think routines are a secret weapon to leveling up in anything in life. (Do you agree?)
My Winning Morning routine:
Wake up: 4:44 (fave number and I see it often)
Make my bed
Drink 8oz of water
Planned work out
Guided audio meditation (setting intentions)
Shower / prepare (clothing already prepped)
Journal morning thoughts
Review daily goals
Breakfast (Avocado and toast with coffee)
Focused hour of work from home or coffee shop.
Listen to motivational podcast on commute to work.
4: @gregreckless wants to know what my most ambitious goal for 2018: Beat my 1/2 Marathon time. I ran te Seattle half marathon (13.1 miles) in 1 hour 33 mins.
5: My mom wants to know how I prioritize my goals: Interesting question, I try to keep my goals minimal and achievable. As I mentioned last week, I don’t write goals down (per say) I write down positive experiences I want to have. Because experiences are memorable and require work, they help prioritize my days in a systematic way with timelines and routines.
Thank you for your questions
This isn’t the episode, but you should follow the podcast.