People like to see you “doing”, therefore you should be doing more of the things that make you better.
It is incredibly easy to get off track and lose focus on side projects. Could it be because you don’t want it enough? This is something that I have been asking myself. I was consistently did these post for over a year, every single Friday, and suddenly stopped.
I was telling myself that I didn’t have enough value to offer. In reality I just got lazy. I stopped devoting time into these posts. I also noticed other parts of my life start slacking off.
Birthday Month Mentality.
This is my birthday month and I told myself I would do more of the things that make me the best version of myself. I have never tried to be the “BEST” version of myself on my Birthday. This year I want to feel amazing on that day, for myself. I want to know that I am working hard on doing the right things for myself.
I haven’t been fully slacking off. I have been devoting time to running, listening to podcasts, and dating.
This month, I have already ran 66 miles and have made better thought out choices as to where I am spending my time and energy.
Do it for yourself.
The positive side of taking a break from these posts and posting a lot on social media is getting in tune with myself. I enjoy picking myself back up when I feel I’m slacking. I thirst for the feeling of being on top of my game.
The feeling of being a badass to no one else but yourself is unreal. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone but myself. I really think this is a secret weapon to leveling up at everything.
There is no need to compare, there is no need to please, there is just doing YOU.
“Do more of what makes you better because people like to see you doing”. - Me.
This is a thought that came to my mind on one of my runs. In a world where we share all the best moments on our social, the thing people like seeing, is other people “doing”.
I hope we are doing more of what makes us better and sharing that. That is what I hope to share more of, me doing the things that make me better.
Much love guys,
Here is #HighFiveFriday 058
Quote: “People like to see you doing” - Me
Podcast: Joe Rogan Experience: Naval (The power of thinking for yourself)
Music: X&G, Skrillex, Boys Noize, Josh Pan: 4 Mind
Something I am doing: Sitting in silence for 30 minutes. - Listen to the podcast and you will understand more of why I am trying this form of mediation.
Personal Thought: Am I learning and leveling up? IF NOT, what do I need to do.