Never undervalue the work you have put in to get to where you are. The past few weeks have been incredibly emotional for me. Work, family, dating, etc. I have found myself on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. As I have been battling to regain control of my emotions, I realized one important thing, “Don’t throw away everything you have worked so hard to accomplish”.
This thought came to me because I know when my emotions are not in control, I can say things out of context because of the emotional feeling. In a professional environment, that doesn’t fly. I realized that if I don’t check myself nor my emotions, I can lose everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve.
Advice to myself: but also advice for anyone feeling the same way:
Don’t stop doing the things that helped you get to where you are. Keep being a professional at all times. Leave ego at the door. Do what you say you’re going to do.
I want 2020 to be a breakthrough year for me. It will require the most I have ever put in. I know that if you want more, you have to give more. I know the direction I want to head, I need to stay focused and get there.