Omar Prestwich

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High Five Friday 014

Five things that helped me be more efficient at life. 

Happy Friday! I'm feeling extra thankful this morning. After being sick for almost three weeks, I am finally back 100%. You never appreciate your health until it's gone. I was so down on myself this week that I was contemplating fully stopping my brand DAMN SON! I think about stopping often, but this past week almost pulled the trigger. I never stop because I know I haven't given it my all, there are still things I haven't tried nor learned. I can't walk away knowing I could have done more. If you're trying to build something, don't let your personal doubt stop you. Self-doubt is more dangerous than having others doubt you. You can prove people wrong, but proving yourself wrong and being fully responsible for the outcome is where I think real growth and power comes from.  Drop me a comment if you agree. Here are my top five influences for this week.  Hope they help you out. Let me know what you think.

  1. Quote: You re-design as you grow.  
  2. Podcast: How to Become Unbreakable | Devon Still on Impact Theory - (GOLD)
  3. Music: Damn Son! Radio Episode 054: LoFi hiphop mixtape. 
  4. A question I am pondering: Where is my real focus? Is it me, or my brand?      
  5. Personal Goal: Be aware of micro choices. Micro choices over time effect where you end up. Good or bad. Being more aware of the little daily choices are what will help me get to where I want. 

I am always trying to improve all aspects of my life because I am chasing personal greatness.  Greatness in fitness, finance, and relationships. I really hope that my personal experiments will help you have a better life and motivate you to chase your dreams. Thanks for reading. Please share this with a friend that might benefit from this!


See this SoundCloud audio in the original post