Omar Prestwich

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The Power of 20 Focused Minutes

Crushing it in 20 minutes. 

Do you have a side hustle? A task you need to get done? Or Hell, do you want to take a nap? I have been trying something new that has improved my focus and energy. I call it 2O MIN JAM SESSIONS! 

How It Works

By breaking your task down into twenty-minute increments, you will get more done, stay focused, and time will fly by. 

  • Put your phone on "Do Not Disturb"
  • Set a timer for 20 min (only hit start when you start working)
  • Have ONE focus for 20 mins. 
  • Have a reward at the end of the 20 mins. For me, it is either checking my social media, eating a snack, drinking water, or sipping on some delicious energy drink. 
  • Once finished, repeat task to get more done, or switch task. 

Seriously, this has helped me a lot. I can get a lot done with a client or project because I break it down into short tasks. 

Try it. Let me know what you think and if it worked for you! 

