2015 left me with a lot of experiences that I did not expect, but I am very thankful for having. I figure this is a great time to share with you three experiences and accomplishments I had that helped me grow. I'd also like to hear about your 2015 experience, so feel free to leave a comment below.
K-Swiss "The Board": This was the most unexpected thing that happened this year. K-Swiss held an open call for young entreprenuers to help launch a rebrand of their shoes. Qualified professionals from all over the globe submitted applications and only 100 were chosen, I was super fortunate to have been one of these hundred. I was able to come up with shoe concepts, slogans, create a give back program, and shoot pictures. I grew in so many ways as I was given different tasks to work on. I can't express my gratitude for this opportunity.
San Francisco Marathon: Running has become a normal part of my life over the past few years. Training for a 26.2 mile run however was something completely different. At first it's easy, then it become a mental battle and straight commitment. The race has changed my life. Battling myself mentally throughout the race, never stopping (not even for a bathroom break), and pushing through the aching of knees, legs, and feet, just to cross the finish line taught me that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. No matter how hard it is at the moment, once that finish line is crossed, (or task accomplished) the pain seems like it was never there, and only the reward remains. It's something I highly recommend to anyone.
"Best Branded Label" Award: I run a small record label I started in 2012. It's been so awesome to see this small project grow and be recognized on a national level. this year I focused really hard on one thing, MUSIC. I wanted to have the outside world look at DAMN SON! and see a music infused brand. I was super surprised and humbled when Symphonic Distribution, awarded us "Best Branded Label" for 2015.
My main takeaway from 2015 is "PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE". I had to get out of my comfort zone so many times, if I had not done so I don't believe I would have had these experiences. You never know who's observing, or what opportunities can come if you just put yourself out there and try. So much more happened and a lot of growth came with it. I'm thankful for all that came my way, and I can't wait for the challenges of 2016.