Family Mexico Cruise

When I tell people that my family is "Big", they don't believe me. Until I name off my 7 brothers and 1 sister.  Now double that number, because most of my brothers are married, and you've got my family of 20 crazies. 

Prestwich Fam 2016

We recently took a family cruise over Christmas break to Mexico. It was a very chill 5 day getaway. It was my first time Visiting Catalina and like my 3rd time visiting Ensenada. I'll be honest, I was SUPER worried that my family was going to clash a lot and that there would be hella drama. But, to my surprise, everyone got along, and made for some incredible memories. 

I learned a lot about my family by observing them behind a lens. All my brothers (and sister), have become outstanding men, leaders, entreprenuers, and exceptional spouses. Yet, I still see them as my little punk ass brothers. We still tease eachother, boss eachother around, wrestle, and act like we are the 8 brothers from Spanish Fork Utah. What really made my trip special was observing my Father and Mother as a 30 year old man. I loved watching them smile as they interacted with their grown kids and grandchildren. Sometimes they would just watch and smile. It was super special to me. 

If you've read this far, I challenge you to reach out to family once a week and spend focused time with them. I've been doing this for the past few months now, and it's honestly brought me closer to them and made me appreciate them more.

Cheers.  Enjoy the gallery below.