5 Positive things that helped me this week.
Happy Friday friends. Firstly, I have got to say "THANK YOU" for the rad feedback I'm getting from you guys. It honestly inspires me to keep doing this blog, which shortly will become a podcast.
Making a pivotal choice is never easy, especially when it is career related. The thought of "Can I really do this?" and the unknown future that all freelancers face, has been on my mind for over two weeks. The confidence to keep moving forward with freelance has become easier because of one thing, having a MORNING ROUTINE. My morning routine, (5:30am gym, making bed, 10oz water, journal, review daily tasks, and pre work cafe session) has taught me discipline and more importantly, it's taught/teaching me the power of making better choices. Not only that, it it teaching me the importance of time management. If I don't do my morning routine, I either have to squeeze it in after work, which then messes up my 2nd half of my day, or I just won't do it which is worse. So, if you don't have a morning routine, I HIGHLY suggest that you create one that fits your lifestyle. I promise if you do it, you will see positive changes in your life. Ok friends, here are 5 things that helped me, and hope they will help/motivate you!
- Quote: “Inspiration is good, but taking action is better" - Chris Guillebeau
- Podcast: Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | Tim Ferriss
- Music: Cage The Elephant - Cry Baby (unpeeled)
- A question I am pondering: What am I willing to give in exchange for what I want?
- I'm working on: Stopping "Work" when my creative juice is gone.
I am always trying to improve all aspects of my life because I am chasing personal greatness. Greatness in fitness, finance, and relationships. I really hope that my personal experiments will help you have a better life and motivate you to chase your dreams. Thanks for reading. Please share this with a friend that might benefit from this!