5 Positive things that motivated me this week.
Confidence starts when you start doing things for YOU. By that I mean, doing things that help you be happier, healthier, and better at life. Confidence is contagious because confidence is happiness. Not only that, but confidence to me, just means that you love yourself enough to work on YOU, because let's be honest, we are all imperfect. Some people are just willing to put in the time take care of themselves the right way. I hope that is you! Here is week 36 of #HighFiveFriday. Love you guys.
- Quote: Nothing to do it, but to do it. - INDI. (my co worker)
- Podcast (interview): The Jordan Harbinger Show | Cathy Heller. Being Creative In Spite of your Day Job.
- Music I'm Listening to: X&G @ LiB 2018
- Something I am pondering: How can I give back to my community? Which is you, the reader. If there is something I can help you with, PLEASE reach out.
- What I'm working on: Doing the work that is important right now. The quote from Gary Vee "Stop Focusing on Dumb Shit" finally clicked to me. Dumb shit to me is a mix of of things, scrolling on the wrong things on social, spending too long on a project, etc. I'm legit trying to focus on the right things more, to not only improve my work, but to remind myself WHY I'm doing that work.
Please share this with a friend that might benefit from this!