How I learned to save time.
A year ago I had a conversation with one of my most successful friends, Tyler W, about life and goals. When I told him my side hustle wasn't to where I'd like it to be, he asked me a question that I wasn't able to fully answer which was "How much time are you spending on that project?"
I always thought that I was spending HOURS on my passion project, but once I started tracking my time, I learned that it was not the case. Not only did I find out how much time I was wasting, but I realized where I was losing that time. I quickly learned where I could save time and be more efficient. By tracking how much time I spend on on a particular task daily I am now saving on average 6 hours a week. Think about that, SIX HOURS A WEEK, that I was wasting, that I can now use to get ahead.
How did I track my day? Like this:
Use the timer on your phone as soon as you wake up. On the iPhone, there is a timer app and I use the "laps" section. When starting this project I would turn it on as soon as I woke up, and I would hit "lap" as I changed task. Here is what I tracked.
- Wake up: Get ready and Walk out the door.
- Walking to work.
- Starbucks time.
- Time at work.
- Walk home from work.
- Prepping for the gym.
- Gym Time.
- After Gym time decompressing.
- Walk to a coffee shop.
- 2nd wind, Starbucks or Coffee shop until close.
- Walk home from the coffee shop.
- Home and prep for next day.
After tracking all this every day for almost two weeks. I noticed trends and was able to get a clear picture of where my time was spent.
Top Number is hours in a day. Red highlighted number is the project I worked on the longest.
Results and Short Cuts
- 15-20 mins average waking up and getting ready.
- 20-25 min average walk to work and home.
- 1 - 1.5 average hours working at Starbucks in the morning.
- 20-25 min average time spent getting ready for the gym.
- 20-30 min average decompressing from the gym and prepping to work again.
- 10-12 min average walk to coffee shop that is open late. ( I don't have wifi in my apt)
- 1 - 3 hours on average working at a late night coffee shop.
- 30 - 40 min unwinding, prepping for next day ext.
Earning an EXTRA 6 HOURS a week
I noticed that it takes too long to walk home from work, prep for gym, change from gym, and start the late night work. Not only did it take long, but it was so tiring and it took more mental energy to keep going because I was super tiered. So I changed a few things and I am now saving so much more time, I'm feeling extra energetic, happier, and more accomplished. Here's what I changed.
- Wake up at 5am. Journal and do meditation for the day.
- Gym at 6am vs later at night. THIS SAVES ME on average 6 hours a week. I don't have to go home, change, prep, go to gym, come home, change, etc. it's first thing in the morning, and it's done.
- Shorter routes to work/home. Because there is less traffic in the morning, I am able to not only save time getting to the gym (downtown Seattle) but I found a shorter route that saves me a quarter mile each way. That's half a mile a day, 2.5 miles a week, and about 40 mins of time.
- All clothing prepped for week. Like meal prep, I don't even think about what I'm wearing. It's all picked out, ready to go. That saves time and mental energy. Even though I pretty much wear black everyday. lol.
If you say "I HAVE NO TIME." I no longer believe that. Unless you show me facts that you honestly don't have time, I won't believe you. Yes I am single and am a workaholic, but DAMN. If I can find an extra 6 hours a week, I am sure you can find a few extra hours in your day to pursue your dream project, spend more time with family, ext. We will never get time back, so I say use the time to your advantage.