One Hour A day adds up.
The amount of work that I have been able to get done in the morning is unreal. I used to love working through the night, but I found over the past couple months, that an hour of extreme focus in the morning is more productive for me. Here are three reasons why it's helped me, and why I recommend for you do do the same.
1: Limited time: If you have a side hustle like I do, time is super important. Therefore, on Sunday night I make a task list of what I will work on everyday so I don't have to think about it again. This makes the time I spend in a Starbucks extremely focused which allows me to get more done and faster. This actually helps me get into fast pace work mentality for the rest of the day.
2: Habit: If you want to be a freelancer or work for yourself like I do then this teaches you discipline. The discipline of waking up early, of working efficient and fast, and making sure that you are working on the stuff that matters. For me, the comfort of my home makes it easy to sleep in, take breaks, or get distracted. But in a Starbucks, the distractions are gone. The faster I get done with what I need, the faster I can do more of my passion projects.
3: Community: Similar to going to the gym. I see the same faces, I learn names, and having people stoked to see you is a great way to start your day. Who doesn't like to feel welcome and loved?
This works for me and I hope it helps and works for you. If you're chasing a side hustle, and need the internet, a SB or coffee shop is one of the best things you can introduce to your life.