Five things that helped me be better at life this week.
- Quote: "Become good at something" Tim Ferris.
- Podcast: Joe Rogan "Push Me Through Hell" - Linked below: a Motivational reminder to be the hero in YOUR MOVIE and to do things for yourself and not for anyone else.
- Music: "Do It For the Kids - UM: X&G remix."
- Personal Experiment: Daily Sticky Notes To Do List: I am putting 6 sticky notes on my desk so I see them every day. One Per day. The sticky notes are for me have extreme focus on my day, It has been working because I'm limited on what I can write on the note. So it allows me to focus on my top priorities vs a huge task list. I will write more about this in a separate post because this is the first week I am trying this. But it's helped me this week to accomplish the most important things of the day.
- Personal Health: I am starting to train for a marathon as it is an experience I want to have this year, (crossing the finish line). The training for a marathon is to motivate me/ help me achieve the BIGGER goal which is to get a six-pack. So instead of focusing on hitting the gym hard and going for the six-pack. I am training my body to achieve it through training for something else and having it improve multiple aspects of my health. make sense?
I am always trying to improve all aspects of my life because I am chasing personal greatness. Greatness in fitness, finance, and relationships. I really hope that my personal experiments will help you have a better life and motivate you to chase your dreams. Thanks for reading. Please share this with a friend that might benefit from this!